Unpacking the Edelman Trust Barometer: what it means for Internal Comms
Sophie talks about the Edelman Trust Barameter and what to think about this year’s results from n IC perspective.
Photo by gryffyn m: https://www.pexels.com/photo/potted-plant-with-barometer-on-books-5044001/
Navigating change with unity and purpose
How internal communications plays a pivotal role through business transformation, designing the blueprint of the journey and building trust, a culture of openness and and amplifying engagement and ownership.
What is your future workplace?
The post-pandemic workplace is one of opportunity. An opportunity to develop stronger workplaces - places with trust, kindness, care and a sense of togetherness and belonging in abundance. It's not just about hybrid working. It's about creating the best workplace to enable employees to bring their best selves to work every day, encouraging greatness.